New Starters
Castle Wood is a broad spectrum special needs primary school for children aged 4 to 11. We welcome children with a wide range of needs and diagnoses including ASC, PMLD and SLD.
Children are grouped according to age and move through the school from foundation stage, to Key Stage 1 then from Lower Key Stage 2 to Upper Key Stage 2.
The Lacey’s
Pupils aged 3 - 11 are working at the earliest stage of learning and they may need additional support to meet their health and mobility needs and to access Castle Wood School’s bespoke learning curriculum.
Early Years (Classes 2 and 3)
Pupils aged 3-5 focus on developing communication, physical, personal and social skills to establish and build upon the foundations of learning.
Key Stage 1 (Classes 4 to 8)
Pupils aged 5-7 years build upon prior learning and access a broad curriculum to meet the child’s individual needs.
Key Stage 2 (Classes 9 to 18)…
Pupils aged 7-11 years continue to meet their individual learning needs through the Castle Wood curriculum and prepare for transition onto secondary.
The Castle Wood curriculum covers six areas of learning:
At Castle Wood, we have an Early Years ethos and follow Early Years practices and principles throughout the school. We foster a love for learning and develop skills for learning through a playful and engaging environment.
We believe that children learn best through a mixture of child-led and adult-led activities and with a combination of structure and open-ended play.
The Learning Environment
Castle Wood is a purpose built school with active and interactive learning environments which are predictable and responsive to learning needs.
Sensory room
Sensory garden
School minibus
Hydrotherapy pool
'The Zone' (sensory break out areas)
Outdoor gym equipment
Reception Classrooms
Class 2 and 3
In Early Years, children have open access to the outdoor area for the majority of the day. Children enjoy physical challenges, free play and sensory activities
The Laceys Classrooms
Lunch time
Children eat with their friends and familiar staff in their classroom. Lunch time and snack times are sociable activities and a great opportunity to develop communication and self help skills.
Children can bring a packed lunch or choose from the school menu.
(example menu)
Getting to school
Some children will be eligible for transport to and from school. These children are collected from the bus in the morning and supported back onto the bus in the afternoon by a familiar member of staff. Once you have accepted a place, you will be able to apply for school transport.
Children who are brought to school are greeted on the door in the morning and taken into class by a member of their class team.